Breast Cancer Is On The Rise In Women In Their 40s: An Earlier Mammogram May Help Catch It Sooner

Regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer should start younger, at age 40, according to an influential U.S. task force. Women ages 40 to 74 should get screened every other year, the group said. This marks a shift from previous guidelines, which stated that women could choose to start breast cancer screening as young as 40, with a stronger recommendation for biennial exams from age 50 through 74. The announcement Tuesday from the U.S. Preventive Service Services Task Force makes official a draft recommendation announced last year. The recommendations were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. “It’s…

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Improve Sleep Quality: 5 Tips Recommended by Sleep Experts

Are you spending too many nights tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep? Or perhaps you’re worrying that there just aren’t enough ZZZs in your day? You’re not alone. Nearly one-third of American adults report that they don’t get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep a night. The culprits? Stress, anxiety, and a…

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Debunking 10 Nutrition Myths: A Guide to Healthy Living

In the ever-evolving landscape of nutrition, separating fact from fiction is crucial for making informed choices about our health. Let’s debunk some common myths that might be steering us in the wrong direction. MYTH 1: Fresh is Always Best Contrary to popular belief, frozen, canned, and dried fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious…

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Espresso Coffee And Alzheimer’s Disease: A Potential Link

A new study published in the journal ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that espresso coffee may have potential benefits for preventing Alzheimer’s disease. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Verona in Italy, found that compounds in expressed coffee can inhibit the aggregation of the protein, which is a key…

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How Aspartame Made The Agenda Of The WHO’s Cancer Research Arm

The imminent move to label aspartame as a possible carcinogen comes after years of advocacy from a leading consumer group in the United States and a handful of cancer scientists hoping to settle a decades-long debate over the sweetener’s safety. Reuters reported last month that the cancer research arm of the World Health Organization (WHO),…

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3 Surprising Bad Things That Can Happen If You Eat Many Nuts

PARIS, France – You already know nuts are incredibly healthy. The crunchy snack is associated with better heart health, lower cholesterol, and even weight loss. ‘The benefits of nuts definitely outweigh any other drawbacks or cons’, says Jerlyn Jones, R.D.N., L.D., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and owner of The Lifestyle Dietitian.…

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Even Simple Exercise May Help Aging Brain, Study Hints

PARIS, France – New research hints that even a simple exercise routine just might help older Americans with mild memory problems. Doctors have long advised physical activity to help keep a healthy brain fit. But the government – funded study marks the longest test of whether exercise makes any difference once memory starts to slide…

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5 Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

PARIS, France – If you’re experiencing symptoms like migraines and nausea, you might be dehydrated and need to drink more water. Hydration is just as vital to the body as food consumption. There’s a tendency to focus more on a person’s diet rather than their water intake, which enables the body to survive and work…

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Your Personality Can Protect Or Age Your Brain, Study Finds

PARIS, France – Certain personality traits may be a key factor in whether people develop mild cognitive impairment later in life, a new study found. Being more conscientious and extroverted keeps mild cognitive impairment at bay longer, while having higher levels of neuroticism increases the chances of cognitive decline, according to a study published Monday…

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Protecting Your Skin From The Inside Out

PARIS, France – As cloudy skies start to turn sunnier, you might be checking your stash of sunscreen. But you may also want to see what’s in your kitchen, as some foods can help keep your skin youthful and healthy. ‘There are definitely foods that we eat that can boost our ability to protect our…

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Study Sheds Light On Impact Of Covid – 19 On Male Fertility

Scientists believe that Covid-19 could affect male fertility after an early study showed patients who died from the virus had decreased sperm counts. Researchers also rebuffed what they called ‘myths’ on social media about the effect of Covid-19 vaccines on male fertility. Scientists from the University of Miami examined six patients who died from Covid-19…

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Does Ingestible Collagen Work?

The ingestible collagen boom began several years ago, ans still shows no signs of abating. In fact, it’s been given yet another bump by avid TikTokkers touting its beauty benefits as ever more options pour into the marketplace. Among the promises: It will bless you with dewy, plump skin, strong nails, supple joints, even healthier…

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WELLNESS | What Are Essential Oils, And Do They Work?

Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well – being. However, some of the health claims associated with these oils are controversial. The article explains all you need to know about essential oils and their health effects. What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils…

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Are Certain Types Of Sugar Healthier Than Others?

Most people consume many different types of sugars from a variety of foods and beverages in their diet. A high intake of sugar is linked to an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. But whether some sugars are healthier (or worse) than other remains a question of interest to…

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HEALTH | What Is Art Therapy, And How Does It Work?

The old saying, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, reflects the powerful effect that the arts and creative expression have an human understanding and communication. Art Therapy works to harness that power for therapeutic means. Just as a painting or a piece of music can say something in ways that almost defy description, art…

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HEALTH | How To Detox

While recent times have seen the birth of  a number of traditional detox variations – tech detoxes (particularly those of the social media curbing variety) as well as skincare routine overhauls seem to have dominated our transformational hopes of late – the detoxes that continue to dominate our health – related conversations and our curiosities…

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BEAUTY | Do You Need To Shower Every Day?

Here’s what doctors say about the effect of frequent showers on your health and your skin Working from home has some slowing down their showering routines to a trickle. How often should bathe and what to doctors say about showering less? The Bottom Lime More isn’t better when it comes to washing your skin. Showering…

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HEALTH | Safe Outdoor Activities During The Covid – 19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t have to halt all of you outdoor fun. Here are several fun outdoor activities you can still enjoy. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected activities for many people. Public health restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to canceled festivals, concerts and other events. Many vacations and large…

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SMART NUTRITION | 13 Foods To Eat When You’re Pregnant

Pregnant? Hangry? Looking for a snack that will make your tummy and your body happy? You’re probably hearing it a lot: Eating nutritious foods while pregnant is essential. I’m here to make your pantry into a one – shop of healthy and delicious foods that will give your baby the best start to life. When…

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HEALTH | 8 Proven Health Benefits Of Dates

Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is gown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years. Almost all dates sold in Western countries are dried. You can tell whether or not dates are dried based on their appearance. A wrinkled skin indicates they are…

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HEALTH | 5 Essential Oil For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Overview Essential oils are taken from different components of plants, including the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, or fruits. They’re used for healing and aromatherapy. Essential oils can help treat chronic pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This form of arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes your body’s immune system to attack your joints.…

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HEALTH | Babies After 40: The Health & Fertility Issue

The Chances Of Getting Pregnant Over 40 A study in the medical journal ‘Fertility and Sterility’ confirms there is a steep drop in fertility in the 40s. researchers found 40-year-old females being treated for infertility had a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant using their own eggs. But once they hit 43 that number dropped…

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HEALTH | Botox Injections May Reduce Depression, Study Finds

People who received Botox (Botulinum Toxin) injections for certain conditions reported less depression less often compared to patients who did not receive the injections for similar diagnoses, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports. ‘For years, clinicians have observed that Botox injected for cosmetic reasons seems to ease depression for their…

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SMART NUTRITION | 5 Foods To Eat For Anti-Aging Benefits

No matter how potent they may be, luxe moisturizers and anti-aging serums can only do so much. Youthful skin begins within and the lifestyle choices we make – including what foods we eat (and don’t eat), how much exercise and sleep we commit to, and the extent to which we embrace sunscreen – have tremendous…

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HEALTH | Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to make you feel calm, relaxed, or energized. The oils work with your sense of smell: you can inhale them, bathe in term or be massaged with them What Is Aromatherapy Good For? Aromatherapy uses warm essential oils to activate your sense of smell and increase your sense of well-being. The…

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NUTRITION | Best Summer Superfoods For Women

What superfoods will help make your summer – and the rest of your life – healthier? Women Have Unique Needs When it comes to nutrition, the needs of men and women overlap in many areas. But difference exit, too. For instance, women need more iron than men. And pregnant  and breastfeeding women have many specific…

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IVF Children Fare Better At School Than Naturally Conceived Kids: Study

PARIS, France – Children conceived through medically assisted reproduction treatments, such as IVF, artificial insemination, or ovulation induction, appear to perform better at school than those born through natural conception, according to a new study. The research, conducted by University College London in partnership with Finland’s University of Helsinki, also found that while IVF children…


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BABY TALK | Climate Change Will Affect Gender Ratio Among Newborns, Scientists Say

Global warming will have a variety of effects on our planet, yet it may also directly impact our human biology, research suggests. Specifically, climate change could alter the proportion of male and female newborns, with more boys born in places where temperatures rise and fewer boys born in places with other environmental changes, such as…